A 36 year old female with fever and SOB

 A 36 year old female, homemaker from Narketpally was presented to the hospital with

C/o Shortness of breath since 4 days

History of presenting illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 days back then she developed fever with chills and rigor (9th August 2022) which was intermittent, subsided on taking medication but increased within 30-60 mins.

Fever was associated with headache and sensation of pins and needles on the left side from head to toe. 

She visited a local doctor and was diagnosed to have typhoid for which she was taking medication. 

She developed shortness of breath 4 days back(12th August 2022) which was of grade 3.

She had 4-5 episodes of vomiting three days back(13th August 2022) which was non projectile, non bilious and contained food particles of immediately previous meal. 

Past history

H/o of left mastectomy 2 years back on suspicion of malignancy. 

H/o Renal calculi 7 years back

No h/o Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Tuberculosis, Asthma, Epilepsy, CAD. 

Personal history

Appetite - Normal

Diet - Mixed

Sleep - Inadequate since the day of fever

Bowel and bladder movements - Regular

Has few disturbances in bladder movements since few years

Addictions - None

Family history - No similar complaints in the family. 

Drug history - Not significant

General physical examination

Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative

Well oriented to time, place and person

Well built and well nourished

Pallor is present 

Bilateral Pedal edema present pitting type. 

Cervical lymphadenopathy present. 

No icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, generalized lymphadenopathy. 


Temperature - Febrile

Pulse - 98bpm

Respiratory rate - 30cpm

Blood pressure - 100/70 mmHg

SpO2 - 97% at Room atmosphere

GRBS - 110 mg%

Systemic examination 

Respiratory system - Shortness of breath grade 3, BAE present. Pain in the left last intercoastal area while inspiring

CVS - S1, S2 heard. 

Abdomen - Soft, non tender.

CNS - No focal neurological deficits

Reflexes                   Right               Left

Biceps                        ++                    ++

Triceps                       ++                    ++

Elbow                         ++                    ++

Wrist                           ++                    ++

Knee                            ++                    ++

Ankle                          ++                     ++

Plantar                       flexor             flexor

Provisional diagnosis

Fever with lymphadenopathy under evaluation


Hemogram shows Hb of 6.4mg/dL, PCV 21.8,TLC 9,100.

Serum electrolytes normal

USG neck shows B/L Lymphadenopathy of level I, II



Inj. Neomol 1gm IV stat

Inj. Iron sucrose 200mg in 100ml NS IV OD every alternate day

Inj. Pantop 40mg IV 

Inj. Optineuron 1amp in 100ml NS


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