55 year old female with dizziness and vomitings

A 55 year old female, homemaker from AP Lingotam came to the casuality with C/o Dizziness since 3 hours prior to admission HOPI Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 day ago then she felt dizzy which was associated with tension in the neck and headache. She was taken to a hospital after fainting where blood pressure was recorded to be 170/90 mmHg so was given one tablet of Propranolol half hour following which patient had 3 episodes of non projectile vomitings for which she was given Ondansetron but no improvement was seen. Patient was then brought to our hospital and was semi conscious at the time of admission. Past history No similar complaints in the past. Suffering with Joint pains since 15 years and is on medication. Not a k/c/o Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Asthma, Tuberculosis, Epilepsy, CAD. Menstrual history: Attained menopause 8 years back. Personal history Diet - Mixed Appetite- Normal Sleep - Adequate Bowel and bladder movements - Regul...