60 year old male with trunkal obesity with URTI, HFMEF, DM, HTN
A 60 year old male came to casuality with C/o Cough, cold since 3 days Chest pain since 1 day Fever since 1 day HOPI Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days ago then he developed cough with sputum, scanty in quantity, green in color associated with cold and nasal blockage H/o Fever, low grade, continuous non aggravating and no relieving factors No h/o rash, retroorbital pain, arthralgia C/o chest pain, diffuse, squeezing type associated and aggrevating with cough, non relieving No h/o abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea No h/o seizures, tremors Past history : K/c/o DM, HTN since 10 years and on unkown medication N/k/c/o Asthma, CAD, CVA, Thyroid disorders, Epilepsy General examination Pt is C/C/C No Pallor, Icterus, Cyanosis, Lymphadenopathy, Edema Vitals Temperature - 100.8°F PR - 104 bpm BP - 110/70 mmHg RR - 22 cpm SpO2 - 93 @ 4L O2 GRBS - 301 mg% Systemic Examination CVS - S1,S2 heard RS - BAE present...